Fire and Ice | A flash fiction story

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Fabricio "Fab" Montenegro
2 min readJun 9, 2022
Created by the author

The dragon spun its gargantuan body around, vengeful eyes seeking Mordoth. The beast threw a giant sun out of its nostrils, illuminating the cavern. Despite the heavy armor, Mordoth managed to dive away from the fireball in time, crashing down against the rocky ground.

“Go elemental!” he yelled to Gandriel.

The wizard nodded from a ledge on the cavern wall, moving a staff swiftly in the air. The staff sucked the humidity out of the cavern’s thick air, condensing and freezing it into a floating sphere of water and ice. The dragon stared at Gandriel, sensing the fatal blow about to be thrown by the wizard — it wouldn’t be able to move away in time.

Then the world stopped.

“Hold on,” Gandriel said and everything went silent.

The fight froze in time, the cavern aglow with fire and ice. Mordoth was on the ground, frozen in the awkward position he had landed on. There were two short vertical lines floating in front of Gandriel’s face, and a massive sphere of brilliant white ice floating above his staff.

Everything kept still and quiet for a while until Gandriel spoke again — his body still frozen in place, the dragon staring at him.

“I have to leave.”

“What?” Mordoth said, only his mouth moving. “But you said you could stay all night.”

“I know,” Gandriel rolled his eyes, “but mom says my stupid sister has to use the Aether rig for a school project or whatever. Yes, you’re stupid! Are too! You can tell mom, I don’t care.”

Mordoth looked away as Gandriel yelled, “I hate you and I literally want you to die!”

After that, the wizard simply disappeared and everything happened at once: the ice sphere melted and splashed on the ground, the dragon changed targets, and Mordoth cursed and was devoured in a single bite.

< Ride | Fire and Ice | Everything >

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Fabricio "Fab" Montenegro
Fabricio "Fab" Montenegro

Written by Fabricio "Fab" Montenegro

I write sci-fi and fantasy with existential undertones. You can call me Fab.

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