Humanity | A flash fiction story
47 of 💯
Agh and Zik sat opposite each other. On the wall, above their table, a light strip traced the shape of a cannabis leaf, a rainbow of vivid colors floating up in a slow-moving gradient.
“A cannabis cafe?” Zik complained while pulling a screen from their pocket.
“You said somewhere chill to talk,” Agh shrugged. “This is chill.”
“Whatever, listen,” Zik thumb-typed into the screen dextrously. “We gotta help Layman. Atlanta’s dispatched a tier 4 security order a couple of hours ago. He might not even know she wants him dead.”
The screen projected a faint, twitching hologram above the table with a report and a map.
“Two questions,” Agh made a “v” with his fingers. “Who’s Layman, and why do I care?”
“What? Dr. Layman! The guy who invented every bot in this city? He’s an AI legend. You gotta know this stuff!”
Agh shrugged again. “You’re the nerd one here, Zik. What about the second question?”
Zik sighed and pocketed the screen — the hologram vanished, leaving behind a trail of colorful dying voxels. “I can’t pay you right now but…”
“I’m out.” Agh got up but, before he could leave, Zik grabbed his arm.
“Agh,” they said in a weak voice. “We’re all trying to outcon each other on this stupid planet and, honestly? I’m kinda tired. It sucks. I know our relationship is ‘strictly professional’ but…”
“No air quotes, please.”
Zik sighed. “You’re the closest thing I have to a friend. The guy is my hero and they’re gonna kill him. Could you help me? Please?”
Agh saw something in Zik’s face that seemed to never have been there before. Vulnerability. Honesty.
“Alright,” Agh shoved his hands into his pockets. “I’ll make him untrackable, it’s the best I can do.”
Zik got up and hugged him. “Thank you,” their head buried in Agh’s chest.
“Alright, chill,” he pushed them back. “You owe me one.”
“Of course! Free hacking services, redeemable any time.”
“And you pay for my order,” he tapped on the table. “I better go now. Keep me posted through the comm.” He walked away and Zik sat down, pulling back the screen.
Agh stopped at the door. “Enjoy my brownie.”
Zik mouthed, “I fucking love you.”