Strictly Professional | A flash fiction story

6 of 💯

2 min readApr 25, 2022
Created by the author

"Zik," Agh's voice cut through the static on Zik's headset, "you gotta stop with the romance shit."

Zik typed commands frantically, their eyes jumping from one terminal window to the next.

"And you gotta get yourself a new keyboard! Are you typing with a machine gun? For fuck's sake! That's too loud."

The green cursor in one of the hundreds of terminal windows blinked a couple of times before spitting out a bunch of data.

"Yis!" Zik punched the air. "I got you! Man, for a bounty hunter, you're terrible at hiding. Oh, hey, you're near Toothless Dino's! I can catch you there for a drink in five."

"Zik, buddy," the voice in Zik's ear said slowly, "I need you to focus. You and me? Ain't gonna happen. This is a strictly professional relationship."

Zik was thrown back on their chair as if hit by a bullet, their hand on their chest.

"Agh," they said. "You're fantastic with that laser dagger thing, but your deadliest weapon? Your words."

"Alright, that's it." There was a click and a notification popped to let Zik know the call had ended.

Zik typed a command and one of the terminal windows turned into a large chronometer. Five seconds. Ten. Fifteen. Thirty seconds. Come on.

A new notification popped to let Zik know about an incoming call. Unknown ID.

Zik sighed in relief and smirked in the dark. "Toothless Dino's, then?"

The eye roll on the other end of the call was audible. "Shut up."

< Balcony | Strictly Professional | Artifact >

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101 stories




I write sci-fi and fantasy with existential undertones. You can call me FM. he/him