Sunset | A flash fiction story
30 of đź’Ż
A huge orange sun touched the horizon, slowly hiding behind the distant green hills. Ptolemy sat with Alina on a rock by the colossal waterfall, his hand inching towards hers.
“You were right,” she said with distant eyes, hypnotized by the sunset.
He pulled his hand back. “About what?”
“Earth was beautiful.”
He nodded. A flock of birds flew past them toward the horizon. He started moving his hand again.
“Can you keep a secret?” Alina asked, her eyes still lost in the show nature putting on just for them.
“Of course!” His hand paused again.
She was quiet for a second, then she lowered her head. “I’m really scared of the real world. We’ve passed Argon Practice, but we’re just kids, you know?”
Ptolemy laughed and she punched him lightly on the shoulder. “Don’t laugh at me!”
“I’m not laughing at you,” he explained. “It’s just… I’m scared too!”
“Really?” She looked at him with big dark eyes. “Mr. Top of the Class? Scared?”
“Are you kidding? I’m terrified!”
They both laughed while a sliver of sun watch them.
“Argon is tough on adults,” Ptolemy said, “imagine what that city will do to a bunch of fifteen-year-olds. They’ll eat us alive.”
Their smiles dissolved into worried looks and they fell silent. The sun left them and hid completely behind the hills, a bright sky left in its wake.
“Tell you what,” Ptolemy said. “Right the second our parents let us out the door, we find each other and we watch each other’s back. Forever.”
She smiled. “So you’ll protect me?”
“Of course! As long as you protect me.”
She grabbed his hand and put her head on his shoulder. “Thank you. I’d love that.”
His heart was on fire and he didn’t know what to say., so he just nodded.
They sat there for a while with interlaced fingers, the sky getting darker.
“Wanna restart?” Alina asked.
“Of course.” He motioned with his free hand and the simulated sunset started all over again.
30 days ago, thanks to the 💯 Story Challenge, I started writing every day — one story a day. I haven't missed a single one, and I'm goddamn proud of myself for it! Thanks to the challenge I've been developing the world of Anchora and filling it with life. It now has hackers, bounty hunters, bandits, scientists, robots, mega-corporation owners, and a bunch of crazy shit. I'm thankful for everyone who's been reading, especially those who take the time to clap and leave a comment. Hope you guys are having as much fun as I am. Here's to 70 more!