To The Brim

Fabricio "Fab" Montenegro
3 min readAug 15, 2023


Image created by the author with the help of AI. Or maybe the other way around.

There was a cup-shaped heart, empty from the start. Stuff trickled in: food, drinks, friends, and love. And fun and fun and fun and fun. Times were good. Good were times.

There was a problem with the heart, though — there’s always a problem. Humans and their problems, watching the boulder roll downhill and thinking, “Gotta get that boulder back up!”

Of course. That’s a given. The boulder belongs to the top, not the bottom. Never mind the fact that there’s a grave thing called gravity that, intertwined with time, cannot not be. It pulls down and down. And down the boulder rolls.

So the cup — remember the cup? It was a heart — it had a face: a leaky face. Every time something went in, the leaky face leaked it out. And the cup would get empty, and times were bad, and sad, and empty. And empty. And empty.

It was the nature of the cup — the one that was a heart that had a face. Leaking was. And you might think, “That’s a broken cup, yo. I want my money back!” And nature would say, “Fuck you and your money. I don’t give a fuck about money. You hear? I don’t give a fuck about your stupid money, dumbass! I care about leaks! If you don’t leak you don’t have a reason to push boulders, to build things, to find stuff you can put inside the cup, to fill the emptiness. Now, to be fair, I don’t care either way. I don’t need you, let me be clear. It’s you who need yourself. And you need the leak, little monkey. That’s your whole deal.”

“But leaking fucking sucks,” you would whine.

And nature would say, “It does. But without the sucky times you can’t recognize the not-so-sucky times. You need the leak — you need the boulder — because pushing the boulder puts new stuff inside the cup, and it makes the goody good vibes flow, and if you didn’t have the leaky leaks you would put stuff inside once and it would be there forever, and it would become stale and gross and smelly, and no one likes smelly — I made sure.”

And you’d say, “That kinda makes sense, I guess.”

And nature would say, “Of course it does. I’m fucking nature, bro! Now shut the fuck up and push the boulder, whino!”

And your face — the one in the heart that was a cup — would leakitty leak leak, and the heart would hurt, and the cup would become empty. And the emptiness was filled with opportunity — free real estate — so that you could put good stuff inside.



Fabricio "Fab" Montenegro

I write sci-fi and fantasy with existential undertones. You can call me Fab.